If you are a Diva retailer or wholesaler, you’ve come to the right page. Read on for technical information about Diva conventional and organic apples.
Diva Technical Information
Named after the Italian word for ‘goddess’ or ‘fine lady’, Diva is an exceptional tasting, premium apple originating from the clean, green, sunshine-filled orchards of Hawkes Bay, New Zealand.
DIVA offers retailers a range of benefits including…
- Superior Taste: Firm and crunchy to bite, Diva is higher in Brix and sweeter than most other high red colour varieties.
- Superior Texture: Diva has a crunchy, sweet and juicy taste your consumers will love…and come back for again and again.
- Stunning Red Colour: Diva’s stunning red colour is 100% natural and is the result of New Zealand’s high sunshine hours and perfect growing conditions.
- Bruise Resistance: Diva doesn’t bruise easily and it responds well to both SmartFresh and Controlled Atmosphere, offering excellent storability.
- DIVA is available as either Conventional or Organic fruit.
- DIVA provides you with a competitive, high red colour apple from March to August.
Diva Grade Standards
DIVA is available in two colour grades.
• Premium Grade (PG)
• Extra-Fancy Grade (XF)
Diva Sizing
Diva sizing ranges from C60 to C180, with size averaging C90.
Diva Availability
• DIVA is unique to New Zealand and operates under controlled distribution.
• DIVA is available in both conventional and organic forms.
• DIVA has strictly limited volumes.
For more technical information on DIVA, download the DIVA Product Specs by clicking on the image below.
Diva Organics Facts
- DIVA organic apples are bright and shiny and their stunning, rich red colour and naturally larger size attracts customer attention.
- DIVA organic apples are higher Brix and sweeter tasting than rival varieties, with firm, dense flesh and a juicy, crispy bite.
- DIVA organic apples perform better for longer. Using Controlled Atmosphere (CA), DIVA organic apples can be cool stored for longer, giving you flexibility and a longer marketing window.
- DIVA organic apples are exclusive to BOSTOCK New Zealand, meaning volumes are limited and distribution is controlled.
- DIVA organic apples are safe and 100% traceable back to source, meaning you can sell, market and promote this apple with 100% confidence.
- DIVA organic apples are some of the best apples New Zealand has to offer because they are grown on orchards specially selected for access to cool ocean breezes, high quality soil and an abundance of summer sunshine hours.
To download the Diva Organics Trade Fact Sheet click here
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